Heirloom Tomatoes


This is item is only available for pickup on May 4th or after.

5” biodegradable pot

Choose from 16 varieties

Green Zebra - Succulent, sweet and zingy. Medium-sized, 4-5 oz fruits start out pale green with dark green stripes that soften and turn yellow when ripe. Indeterminate . 80 days to maturity.

Cherokee Purple - Medium dusky black fruits with dark shoulders. Deep rich flavor. Dependent beautiful heirloom. Indeterminate . 72 days to maturity.

Garden Peach - Medium dusky black fruits with dark shoulders. Deep rich flavor. Dependent beautiful heirloom. Indeterminate . 71 days to maturity.

Mortgage lifter - 1-2 pound pink beefsteak fruits. Exceptionally meaty and typically crack-free. Great old-fashioned tomato flavor. Indeterminate . 85 days to maturity.

Black Trifele - A stunning black tomato. Large pear shaped with green shoulders. The perfect balance of sweet, acid and juicy. One of my all time favorites. Indeterminate . 74 days to maturity.

Paul Robeson - The fruit is maroon colored with green shoulders and meaty red flesh. The highly productive plants producing 1 lb fruits. Indeterminate . 80 days to maturity.

Pink Brandywine - The large, beefsteak-shaped fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set one or two per cluster and ripen late- but are worth the wait. Indeterminate . 78 days to maturity.

Striped German - The tie- dyed tomato. Large juicy sweet yellow fruits with streaks of red through the middle. This tomato is pure heaven for flavor and beauty. Indeterminate . 78 days to maturity.

Indigo Apple - Small blue slicing tomato that matures early. The top of the fruit is blue and the bottom turns a beautiful red. Very flavorful. Indeterminate . 70 days to maturity.

Black Krim - Small blue slicing tomato that matures early. The top of the fruit is blue and the bottom turns a beautiful red. Very flavorful. Indeterminate. 80 days to maturity.

Valencia - Round smooth fruits with meaty interiors. Very few seeds. The flavor and texture of the deep yellow fruit is stunning. The dryness of the fruit make it ideal for sandwiches. Indeterminate. 76 days to maturity.

Pruden’s Purple - Large to very large fruits of crimson skin and pink flesh. Similar to Brandywine but ripens earlier. Indeterminate. 67 days to maturity.

Red Peach - This rare Russian variety is sweet and the red headed sister of the garden peach. Indeterminate. 79 days to maturity.

Persimmon - One of my favoite yellow tomatoes. Smooth sweet skin with a slightly dry interior. This meaty persimmon colored tomato is perfect for sandwiches or cooking. Indeterminate. 75 days to maturity.

Yellow Brandywine - Orange version of the pink brandywine tomato. A rich flavored large heirloom. Indeterminate . 78 days to maturity.

Green Cherokee - The green version of cherokee purple with green shoulders and a green -yellow bottom when ripe. A sweet and acidic flavor. Perfect for slicing and eating fresh. Indeterminate. 72 days to maturity.

Select Varieties:
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