Summer CSA 2024

from $670.00
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WHEN: 26 weeks, May – October. You will choose between a Farmer’s Choice Share or a Choose your own share. We offer 3 pick up locations: B & H in Morgantown (Saturdays 9am-12pm), The Malvern Farmers Market (Saturdays 9am-1pm), or The West Reading Farmers Market (Sundays 10am - 1pm).

WHAT: A share of freshly harvested, certified organic vegetables totally $25 each week.

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The Summer CSA share gives you access to fresh, local, organic vegetables at the peak of the season. We have 2 options to choose from. A Farmer’s Choice Share is a standard CSA in which you receive a share of vegetables each week, valuing $25, the vegetables will be a well rounded share chosen by the farmer. A Choose Your Own share gives you a gift card to be used as you choose during the 26 weeks of the Summer CSA. The Choose Your Own share is designed to be $25 per week and you will receive a gift card valuing $650.00. You can use your gift card total as you choose, skipping weeks for vacation etc. We will not pack a share for you if you do not order.